Tuesday 14 January 2014

Purpose & Values

"Purpose" is a dynamic word in our  life. The whole life is based on some purpose but which one?? Finding the purpose of our lives takes us our whole life there are some cases where the life ends without knowing or working towards the purpose. What is purpose?? Is it necessary to find a purpose or its assumed our purpose is "existing" rather than Living. I may be amateur to say so but this is what is happening in this generation we don't live for a purpose instead try living as if there is no purpose. Are we born just to Live and Die without making any difference to the place where we are or is it just  a formality to just act as working on the verge of making some difference in which the verge takes us now where but to the End of the road where there is nothing left to make an impact.

   I am writing this because i dont know whats mine. Its high time people start realizing what is purpose and if its met with the right frame of mind.  If the purpose was known to everyone the Global economy would have not be in a bad shape, People now a days tend to grab whatever comes their way no matter if they like it or not this is all due to people's mindset that only money is purpose of life but unfortunately it is not. It was said money is not the key to happiness but unfortunately it is turning out to be so. The human values have come down and the value for the mere paper which are termed "Money" is taking over humanity. I accept we do need money to survive but if money is all we need am afraid the World will be have paper value more than human value. I  was writing on  purpose  but have drifted from the subject but it is necessary to know money is not the purpose in fact the purpose is much higher and greater than the value of money. Nothing is permanent in life money,fame,power nothing but only death is permanent so make use of the life in the it should be used i.e purposefully

                                                        Peace Out